The best part of the night was a long, and stunningly funny story about his crazy misadventures with his good friend, Pantera's Dimebag Darrell, and one of the GREATEST pranks ever pulled. After telling the sordid tale, he informed the crowd that it was just the first part of the story, to set up the story of his revenge, which took place three years later. People were laughing, cheering, and screaming. It was a truly EPIC tale!
The strangest part of the night came during the Q & A period, where audience members directed questions to Scott.
One guy, who was obviously delusional, and had apparently been making the same statements on Scott Ian's website or Facebook page, was given the opportunity to ask his question, and told Scott that his mother had told him that Scott Ian was his biological father! The crowd erupted with laughter.
Scott shut him down pretty quickly telling him that there was no way he could be his father as he had only ever slept with two women, naming the first one, and then his wife.
As the crowd hooted and laughed, the guy got up and left the club.
Hopefully, he didn't go hang himself or shoot his mom for lying to him for his whole life!
I raised my hand and was picked, and I asked Scotty the difference in the dynamic between working with original Anthrax singer, and Syracuse native, Joey Belladonna, and John Bush, formerly of Armored Saint, who fronted the band for several years.
His answer was a very diplomatic one. He stated that is was a blessing to have been able to work with two very talented performers, and that when Joey came back to the band, the rest of them knew that it was the right time and things went great.
He related a few stories from his days with S.O.D., why it ended, and why there will never be a reunion.
He ended the night with a story about Sam Kinison, which was a story he said he had never been asked about.
After the show, Scotty had a Meet & Greet, which Mike & I were cleared for. He signed a lot of CD's & records, as well as a few guitars.
I brought along the printed versions of the ANTHRAX comic I created from photos from the 2005 Anthrax/Judas Priest show at the Landmark Theater, where I had interviewed Joey Belladonna. Many of the photos weren't so great with motion blurs, etc, and couldn't be used on the TATW site, but knowing the ANTHRAX crew were/are comic book fans, I worked some serious Photoshop voodoo and turned them into a great comic. (Instructions to download a copy are below in the pictures.)
I posted it back in 2005 as a downloadable set of images to print at home, and put it on my site, but I had never printed it, until today.
I made a back cover for the comic today, included on the interior of the back cover was a full page ad for, and the back cover was an image from Scotty's current tour, with the info for the Lost Horizon show. |