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TomAroundTheWorld.com Presents:

A Monthly Live Rock & Roll Showcase @ TREXX

Official Website


Wednesday - July 25, 2007

Heavily promoted and talked about for weeks leading up to the event, the first DECONSTRUCTION Live Music Showcase took place on Wednesday, July 25th, 2007 and was big hit...

About 150 people turned out to TREXX for the first installment of the Live Music Showcase presented by TomAroundTheWorld.com, and there was a little something for everyone.
The doors opened at 9 PM and the crowd began flooding in.
As the bands ate and prepared for the show, attendees bellied-up to the bar and enjoyed the $2 Labatt's draft special to the fullest.

Show goers also browsed the wares of local merchants specifically chosen to match the event. There were locally created fashions by Modern Pop Culture, records and CD's from Barret Records, a TomAroundTheWorld booth with buttons and stickers, and Tattoos by Rissa of Forever Art N Design from Fulton, NY.

The PushRods

Graveyard Hounds

Tattoos by Rissa

Modern pop Culture

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Justin Wortman

Justin Wortman, known around Syracuse for his street performances in Armory Square kicked off the night's festivities.
He took the stage at 10 PM dressed in red, plaid bondage pants and a GWAR concert shirt with his Mohawk finned high.
He wowed the crowd with his acoustic performance that included covers of GWAR's "Fucking An Animal", Electric Six's "Your Record Collection Sucks", and The Asylum Street Spanker's "Whatever". Many sang along and hoisted beers as Wortman played, and it was a great way to start off the evening.
Justin also included some Star Wars parody songs, and a nice dose of humor in his set.
After Justin's set was done, Raffle drawings began, and autographed items from The Casualties and The Supersuckers were given away to lucky winners.
Up next was The PushRods.
Constantly working toward "the next level", the band has independently released 2 CD's. First being a full-length release entitled "XXX" in 2003, and 2005's "Girls in Vinyl Skirts", the title song being a regional favorite.
Both releases have received airplay in the US and have a big buzz going in Europe, and on Internet radio in the UK and Bulgaria. The band is the second most downloaded band on Mohawk Radio.


For those that don't know, the three-piece band from Elmira, NY which features the talents of Ritch Sabin (guitar/vox), Ron Grace (bass) and Tim "Crow" O'Hearn (drums), recently signed with SonicOrder Records
The band is currently finishing up work at Mansion Audio Studio with producer Jeff DaBella (of Auto Pilot Off fame) on an upcoming release of a full length CD titled: "The Devil Wears A Bra". The disc, which is scheduled for release in the summer/fall of 2007, will contain ten tracks of the band's trademark sound.
The PushRods have coined the phrase "Porn Punk" onto unsuspecting and mostly innocent people at shows and various events all over the northeast (NY, NJ, MA, PA and Florida). And to help back up their claim as the masters of Porn Punk, fans that bought both of the band's previous releases received a free porn DVD from the group's vast collection. During my time with the Born Again Savages, I was fortunate enough to play a few shows with The PushRods. They are one of my favorite bands we ever played with, and I listen to them all the time.
It was good to see them perform again. It had been far too long since I had seen them last.
Many in the crowd were blown away by the band's sound, especially Ritch Sabin's voice, which is very reminiscent of Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys.
The pontiffs of Porn Punk ripped through a great set that included "Liar" and "You're Lucky I Don't Own A Gun" from the Girls In Vinyl Skirts CD, as well as "Elmira" and "Treat Her Like A Hooker" from the "XXX" CD.
As the PushRods played, the owner of TREXX approached me and informed me that he was very happy with the way the evening was going. He let me know that I could go monthly with the show! I was psyched!

The PushRods finished their set and it was time to give away raffle prizes again. Jackie Pilon of Syracuse turned out to be the night's big winner. She had purchased so many tickets that she won four of the seven items given away for the evening.
I announced that the owners had informed me that DECONSTRUCTION would now be a monthly event. The crowd cheered, and I thanked them for their support. It is always exciting to be part of a great idea being born.
Speaking of Birth, DECONSTRUCTION just happened to fall on my best friend Sven O'Neil's birthday and we made sure he had a great time. I gave Sven his gift from me. It was a book about Sven's favorite type of music, (he is into a lot of European Metal) with a detailed history, and bios of the most prominent bands. It's a beautiful book!
He seemed pleased with it.
There was a birthday cake, baked by April, and man, was it delicious! She said she would bake for all my events… Whoo-hoo! (I don't think she knows what she's in for. LOL)
[Personal Note: Thanks April. You will soon be known as the Punk Rock Martha Stewart! Hahahahahaha…]

The Graveyard Hounds

Finally, the witching hour of midnight arrived and Syracuse's own psychobilly punks The Graveyard Hounds began their set. The Hounds consist of Silas Sleaze on wailing laments, Mohawk Calhoun on the big stand-up bass, Renob Botard on the drums, and a mysterious figure known only as The Grimli on what he refers to as The Devil's Six-string. Due to a recent injury where he cut off several of his toes, drummer Renob Botard was unable to perform with the group for the evening and in his place was Dr. Revel Thrashenstien.
The band jumped, jived, and wailed through a storming performance that opened with my personal favorite song by the Hounds called Boozehound Blues. I LOVE that song.
About midway through the group's performance, Calhoun's bass broke. While Calhoun and his girlfriend fixed the instrument, Silas Sleaze encouraged The Grimli and Botard to keep up a surf riff. Meanwhile, Sleaze regaled the audience with a poetic tale of a life gone tragically bad. The audience was drunkenly enthralled.
When Calhoun was back up and running, The Graveyard Hounds finished out their rocking set which included the songs Brutal Brew, and NASCAR Massacre as well as many others.
As the Hounds played the rest of their set, I sat down in the tattoo chair and got a new piece by Rissa on my forearm. My daughter Eliza's birthday was coming up. Her nickname is "Piglet" and so I got a heart with Piglet inside it and her name.
When the band finished, I took a break from getting my new ink until after the final raffles were held. I thanked the crowd for coming and told them to look forward to the next show! Then, as the crowd dispersed, and I went back to my new tattoo. By the time I was finished, the club was empty, the clean up had been finished, and the night was over.





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